event regulations
Entry guidlines
Members of the MSCA affiliated clubs will be given priority entry for 14 days after the opening of the events for entries. Entrants who are members of another Motorsport Australia affiliated car club will be accepted after this date. The Entry Fee is $275. Members of MSCA affiliated clubs receive free Dorian Hire. Non-members pay a $15 for dorian hire.
Entries must be received by 5PM of the Monday prior to the event. Late entries will not be accepted. Entries will close once capacity plus an additional 10 reserves has been reached. All entrants are to enter via the Motorsport Australia online entry system which can be found at https://evententry.motorsport.org.au. Entries are not accepted until paid in full via credit card in the system.
Entries will be refunded (a) upon cancellation of the Event, or (b) the Competitor advising the Event Secretary of their inability to compete by 5pm Monday prior to the event. A processing fee of $25.00 will be applied. Refunds will be processed upon completion of the Event.
Competitors will be advised by email of their acceptance into this Event, their allocated car number and allocated run group will be provided early in the week leading up to the Event. The MSCA reserves the right to refuse any Entry in accordance with the NCR.
event guidelines
Competitors will be required to nominate their Vehicle Class Code in the MA entry system, in accordance with the MSCAV Classes.
Competition car numbers are allocated by the Event Secretary, numbers can be purchased on the day for a fee of $10 per car. Numbers must be shown on both sides of the vehicle.
All Drivers will be allocated a Dorian Transponder (Serial numbered) and can collect at check in. Drivers with personal Dorian Transponders must advise the Event Secretary of the Dorian Transponder serial number via the event entry system.No re-runs will be given for mechanical failure or driver error; however, any re-run allocated by the Clerk of the Course to a competitor or Run Group must be taken as directed. The decision of the Chief Timekeeper about times recorded shall be final.
The Flags to be used at this Event are shown in Schedule 1 and are as described in the Motorsport Australia Manual. The first lap of each and every run will be conducted under yellow flags and under control of a Course Car.
Super Sprint Competiton
The results will be decided by Class, using the fastest lap time of each Competitor. All 4 sessions (sometimes five) will be timed. The length of the sessions will be determined by time rather than laps. The sessions are generally 12-14 minutes long. This can vary depending on recoveries. The day normally comprises of 2 rund in the morning, 30 minutes lunch break then 2 runs in the afternoon.
Points counting towards our end of year Outright Championship (MSCA Club Champion), will be awarded on the basis of, 10 points for the fastest entrant, 9 points for the second fastest, etc. Points will accumulate during the year
Regularity Competiton
The Regularity event will be run in a group specified by the Event Secretary (generally Group 1) and will comprise of 1 practice run and 3 timed runs. In the event of an extra 5th run, the extra run will not count for regularity points.
The rules are based on the Regularity Trial Standing Regulations
Competitors for this event will be subject to all previous sections of these Supplementary Regulations.
Mechanical, Electrical or Electronic Devices to measure speed or time are forbidden. Standard Speedo, Tachometer and Clock are exempt.
An Initial target run of timed laps, under conventional Super Sprint conditions will be used to establish a nominated time
At the completion of this run, all Regularity Competitors will receive their times and together with the Competition Secretary, will review and declare a mutually acceptable nominated time for each competitor, and advise the Chief Time Keeper of the nominated times.
Competitors will start each run with 1000 points. For a lap time faster than the nominated time, 2 points per half second or part thereof will be deducted. For a lap time slower than the nominated time 1 point per half second or part thereof will be deducted.
Cars failing to complete a run session shall be awarded a penalty equal to the worst score of the run minus 10 points.
The Competitor retaining the highest number of points totalled over all runs is the winner.