When entering the MSCA Championship you will need to nominate a MSCA Class.
Classic Car is one manufactured before 1 January 1986.
Modern Car is one manufactured after 1 January 1986.
Classic Car modified with a post 1986 engine, and/or a post 1986 forced induction system shall be regarded as a Modern Car.
Turbo, supercharged and rotary engine cars capacity needs to be multiplied by a factor of 1.7.
Turbo rotary cars to be multiplied by a factor of 2.8
The MSCA Class Codes and points are calculated by the MSCA after the Event.
Competitors best 6 rounds count toward their final result.
Outright Championship will be calculated over ALL rounds.
Classic Class Code
Class B Classic 0cc to 1999cc 2C
Class D Classic 2000cc to 3499cc 4C
Class E Classic 3500cc to 4999cc 5C
Class F Classic over 4999cc 6C
Class B Modern 0cc to 1999cc 2M
Class D Modern 2000cc to 3499cc 4M
Class E Modern 3500cc to 4999cc 5M
Class F Modern over 4999cc 6M
Up to 1599cc 7
Over 1600cc to 1999cc 7A
2000cc and over 8
Race Cars
Running slicks up to 1900cc 8A
Running slicks 2000cc to 3499CC 8B
Running slicks over 3500cc 8C
Open Wheelers 9
Regularity REG